Inspire cosmetics

My press brings you another weird article! My whole goal in life is to enjoy as much as I love writing I don’t want to write about the boring same subjects that everybody else does I want to write about is a little bit different.

So today we going to be talking to my friend Cindy who just went and had a holiday in Sydney and came back with much larger boobs. After talking to Cindy to find out why she decided to go abroad rather than get it done in the UK it seem like bit of a no-brainer for the same money she went over to Sydney and spent two weeks in the sun recuperating from the operation (which she had on the second day) for still half the cost of what she would have spent in the UK to then recuperate in the rain. Inspire cosmetics Sydney is the solution for all your breast problems.

So what I want to know is this something you would consider doing? Is this something that you have done? Or is it something that you are going to get done?

Please share your thoughts and feelings on this below and we get a group discussion going on it.